Hubby’s getting vasectomy but

He says his doc is telling him he needs a full WEEK to recover so expect to lay up on the couch for at least the entire weekend and no lifting the kids. Okay... I get it. Maybe one day because this is what I’ve heard in the past. But an entire week?

Moms don’t get any time off or relaxation after child birth or IUD implantation or periods etc. They say not to lift kids after c sections but they do!

Idk I’m kinda just annoyed bc I’ve been a SAHM for 6 months straight with no social life or leaving the house bc of covid and I’m super pregnant and just want to have ONE DAY! And he gets a week? Fuck it. Just tie my tubes. I just figured after 15 years of awful birth control pills and 2 pregnancies and labors that’s he could have the procedure.

End rant