My Beautiful Child..😭😍

Devon - πŸ’™ 3 Sweet Boys πŸ’• Baby Girl Feb 2021πŸ’•

I had Grayson in July of 2019, he is 13 months old. He is my 3rd son. I also have my two older boys, Jackson who is 7 and Levi who is 3. I have absolutely loved being a mom to these little boys. A boy mom. πŸ’œ I have been a boy mom for almost 8 years. When I found out I was pregnant for the first time in 2012, I prayed so hard for a little beautiful curious happy blonde haired son, and that's exactly what I got. I like to joke that I must have prayed so hard, that God gave me two more amazing little beautiful sons. It was my dream come true. πŸ€—

I'm pregnant with my last baby now, I'm 37, my first baby girl, and I have to admit I feel so much emotion and happiness and sadness all mixed when I'm holding my little son lately. He's completely sleep trained, and falls asleep on his own and has for months now, but I find myself in his room before bed rocking him to sleep every night and watching him as he sleeps now for such a long time, not wanting it to end. 😭 My last beautiful boy baby. The last baby boy I will ever have and have always wanted so badly. Growing up into a toddler. πŸ’”

I am very excited I get to experience being a mother to a girl, too. I'm very happy to have found out I'm having a girl this last time. It was my hope, honestly. I find joy in that. But the boy baby part of me that is so enamored with my little ones, is sad seeing my last little son growing up. I've loved being a boy mom. It's made me so incredibly happy. The past 8 years have been the happiest in my whole life.

If you've read this far, thank you. I've been pretty emotional the past few days just thinking about all my babies, especially my 13-month-old leaving babyhood, and this new baby to come and what it all means for our family. I'm emotional about this new baby being my last baby. I've loved making and having babies and growing this family the past 8 years. I will be sad for this chapter in my life to come to a close.

And thanks to you all for being such an amazing community to share my feelings with as I've gone through these journeys β€οΈπŸ’œπŸ’•πŸŒΊ

Baby Grayson