Should I test anyway?

I was 8 days late before I started bleeding very lightly. A little more than spotting dark brown. I'm assuming it is AF but its been a day and it hasn't picked up. Its only when i wipe now but it became a very light pink and brown...(TMI) watery and half clear mucus?

It doesnt come out much on its own but i know there is a bit of blood up there. I havent even needed a tampon yet which is weird considering my periods are ALWAYS excruciating and heavy to the point where I bleed into the toilet bowl 😆

My question is if this is just a weird AF this month or if I should test? Its tappering off currently and just pink and clear. It was originally heavier than spotting but now its virtually nothing. Any advice? I havent tested in almost a week with what im just assuming was an indent now. Should I test tonight? Should i assume I'm fine?

Advice appreciated! Thank you!