

So for the past year I have not really been on this app.

for the past year I have not really been on this app. And it’s not due to ttc or failed attends of ttc.

I am dyslexic so I do tend to spell things wrong. But most people can figure out what I’m trying to say. It’s not purposely that I do it it’s just sometimes my brain works different... My issue is that most of the women on here are rude ruthless and just plain mean I thought women were supposed to lift each other up and build each other and fix each other’s crowns instead most of the women on here are just plain nasty to one another....

I see a lot of post about women in toxic relationships which I understand they can’t help where they are right now or they are trying to get out of that relationship (I was in one myself before)

but it doesn’t give you the right to be disrespectful and mean to other women if you don’t like it what I post or what anybody post don’t read it and move on with your life no one needs a negative Nancy and I really wish this app would weed those horrible people out and block them from using this up because the few people that are using this app for mental health like me do not deserve the crueless that people are reviving. You don’t know what I’ve gone through and you don’t know my story... I don’t feel like explaining it every chance bc some female would rather tear me down then just comment and say something nice.

If say the wrong word or the wrong spelling of a word I get that irritate some people but some of us just can’t simply help it and some of use do have mental health problems and a lot of you women should be a lot more considerate and build each other up not tear each other down....