childcare help questions

I am a bit perplexed at the government’s current childcare help. Both me and my husband work and we don’t qualify for any tax credits or any other help, except child benefit..... I am due with baby 2 in February and my daughter will turn 2 around the same time... I’m just trying to figure out if we can get any help with her nursery costs. I’ll be on half pay for 6 months, then SMP for 3 months, then 0 for 3 months after that. We pay £60 a day at her nursery (not after the tax reduction help), but going down to half pay, means we won’t be able to afford that or to keep her in nursery at all (even with the tax free help).

Is there any help out there that I can apply for? Between 2-3 years old she’s going to need some kind of social interactions and I’m really worried about this 😔. I don’t think we qualify for the 15hrs a week because I’m essentially still in work even if it’s SMP.