Baby sleeping all day, but stays up all night.


So, have any of you had problems with your newborn wanting to sleep all day, but won’t go to sleep at night? If so, what did you do about it? I can’t get her to go to sleep until 3-4 in the morning. I’m trying everything to get her to stay up during the day. Lights, tv going, stimulation, etc. But it’s not working.

Honestly, some articles online tell me to just let her sleep during the day because it makes it worse for night time sleeping if you try to keep them up during the day. But then I read other articles and they say the exact opposite. I wish I had a definitive answer. 😭

She’s also spitting up with every feeding, but her pediatrician said that’s normal for a newborn. I’m a first time mom, so I’m over here feeling overwhelmed and have bunches of questions. 🥴