Is your March babies sleeping through the night yet? My boy is 6 months old now, and waking multiple times a night still. No sleep in sight. Any tips you guys??



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Sleep training lol


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She started sleeping 8 hours at around 10 weeks and has been sleeping 12 hours since maybe 3 months. We did sleep training since we brought her home at 2 weeks (she was in the nicu for that long). You can look into different sleep training methods. We went with BabyWise. Did it with both my kids and they both were sleeping 12 hours by 3 months. But it doesn't matter when you start sleep training. Just look into some different methods that work for you.


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My baby sleeps anywhere between 9 to 10 hours but unfortunately I hear her wake up a couple times during the night and she talks to herself loudly for like a good 20-30 minutes before falling back asleep again. It's kind of irritating though cause we can hear her very clearly from our room and I always just end up staying awake cause I can't go back to sleep with that noise. But... I like this better than when she used to wake up and cry instead. That required me to go into her room and soothe her back to sleep myself which I don't do anymore YES! Honestly I have no help tips on how to improve baby sleep cause we just had to wait it out and see it improve naturally. None of the crap we tried ever worked. Only time.


Dionne • Sep 16, 2020
I needed to hear this!


Posted at
So my LO has been sleeping through the night, self consoling since she was 4 weeks but all of a sudden, she hates being in her crib. Like absolutely despises it. If we try putting her down partially awake even, she cries hysterically. We semi tried sleep training but it breaks my heart to hear her cry (she's 5.5 months now) and she's going through a leap so I think I'll just wait it out a bit. Also, she got her first common cold sooooo I don't see crib sleeping happening anytime soon (aside from the naps she has no problem with).


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Every baby is different, I tried multiple sleep training techniques and nothing. She used to sleep in her room alone but now refuses to. So I we co-sleep and now she sleep through the night, sometimes up once sometimes up to three times. Honestly wait it out or try sleep training but if they breastfeed they will probably wake up more often and it’s normal. I feed baby girl oats before her bedtime routine so it keeps her full for a bit longer.


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He sleeps 6:30-6:30 usually! Of course he wakes up somewhat frequently which is normal but he self soothes and falls back asleep, doesn’t usually cry. When he does cry we don’t go to him right away maybe wait it out 5ish minutes, more often than not he’ll go back to sleep! I’ve been using the app, huckleberry, to help me identify when his naps start so I can lay him down while he’s awake and he falls right asleep in his crib it’s amazing I can hardly believe it myself


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My feisty Pisces was sleeping 10 hour stretches from month 3 til month 4 and then it kind of settled with one wake up and feed per night and maybe an early morning one too. I went back to work full time 2 weeks ago and it’s been a nightmare of waking every 2 hours more or less. I know it’s a phase and it’s adjusting to new caregivers during the day and also the 6 month growth spurt...but I feel exhausted and awful. I’m working my butt off getting my PreK class in order and stressing the eff out about staying safe and sanitary. My class is almost at full capacity so no wiggle room for getting stuck in traffic or whatever and I work about 40 minutes away so timing is everything in the morning. Let’s not even get started on the battle to get help so I can pump at work never mind use the toilet or eat something. Plus my MIL is one of the caregivers and I often feel like she’s trying to sabotage me (another rant for another post) so there’s that stress too. Poor baby, no wonder why she’s popping awake so.


Dionne • Sep 16, 2020
Oh and we have a routine. We’ve logged eat sleep poo. I’ve paid for sleep training. She’s just not going to be trained and I have to believe that she’ll grow out of it. In the meantime, yeah, I’m getting up and nursing her and cuddling her and putting her back to bed.


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Try the Taking Cara Babies course for 5mo+ babies. We learned a lot from her newborn course and I think that’s why we (knock on wood) have a baby that sleeps 11 -12 hours a night.


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She was from 3-5 months but now she’s cutting teeth & doesn’t sleep good. 😫


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Consistent bedtime routine starting from 6 pm. Bath, book, put his bedtime music on and dim the lights to almost darkness and feed and put down to sleep at 7pm. Same drill every night. I also cluster feed so 7pm,9pm,11pm dream feed. Sleeps until 6:30-7am takes a few weeks, he used to fight the 7pm sleep time but goes down without crying or fussing now.