New MOM .. FINALLY he’s born !!


I feel good and it was good experiences.. I was induced with cervidil at 11pm and needed to wait till 11 am for 12 HOURS to know if I was dilated and still was 1cm .. they waited until 2pm again to apply another cervidil in my vagina and finally checked at 2 am I was only 4cm ! They finally apply me an small dosage of pitocin and kept applying more in my IV which was my making my contractions be more soft to tense I was breathing them in & I felt breathing made it not even hurt a lot because I was basically focusing on the breathing and not the pain .. however, not going to lie I was basically drugged with benadryl to sleep and I feel like a stupid person because literally I didn’t even know I was 7 cm at 5:40 am and I’m there sleeping like nothing feeling contractions but I thought it was normal until I reach 8 cm and I felt it coming bad very 10 sec but I still went to sleep through it.. I was basically sleeping in my whole labor 😂😂😂😂 and when I check at 7:00

am I was 8.5 and I already put epidural which I took Almost 10% of it and went to 10 cm and push him in almost 8 mins and I didn’t felt nothing I felt like I wanted to take a shit and push him like I wanted to take a shit ... it was a good experiences also painful but I felt with the breathing it helped a lot!!! The nurses was very impressed I push him quick and every time when they told me hold my breath or to relax I was like no I want to push him !! He was born 41 weeks old .. of 6 lbs and 02.4 oz & 19.5 inches .. baby Ethan welcome to this world at 09/08/2020 at exact 9:00am