Dear Gov. Whitmer

You are officially off your rocker. I’ve tried giving you the benefit of the doubt, seeing as you have never tried leading through a pandemic before, but you have officially proven you have no common sense.

Football, volleyball, cross country, etc. the PLAYERS have to wear MASKS while competing but the OFFICIALS don’t?

Miss Governor. Do you know what happens to your body when you exercise?

Do you know what would happen to your body when you have something covering your mouth when you’re breathing heavily, already trying to catch your breath?

Do you really think they will stay in place when that senior is going in for the tackle? Or when that freshman dives to save the ball from hitting the court?

Have you ever ran 2-3 miles up a mountain with a mask on?

Where’s your logic behind officials not needing them?

Guys, I’m so done.

It’s easy to say “don’t put your kid in sports if you don’t like it” or “be thankful these sports are happening at all” but when YOU see your senior cry because he started football practices only to be told the season was canceled (okay postponed to spring. Try playing football in March in Michigan. Tackle someone with a couple feet of ice and snow on the ground, see how that plays out) ...then the season is back on and THIS SHIT gets thrown into the mix...I mean seriously? These kids need a sense of normalcy. Our seniors deserve to play their last season probably ever of the sport they love. Don’t even start with the “maybe it shouldn’t be happening” bs. Make the spectators wear masks, keep the players safe.

End of rant.