Still faint lines?


Is it normal to have a faint line still? I took a test and had a faint line and the lines are still faint even 4 days later. I’m getting super anxious. I’ve never had even faint line before and we have been trying for a while... I just am scared to get disappointed because I was starting to get excited. Is this normal? Has anyone else had this happen? Should the lines be getting darker? Or is it still too early? I have taken 3 tests so far, different brands! Clear blue, First Response and Pregmate (midstream). The last picture of the pregmate test was from today, it seems lighter than the others... that’s why I got worried. Also the lines for all three tests started showing up within 2-3 minutes of the test, so we’ll within the test window. Help me please! I don’t have anyone else to talk to about it other than my husband but he doesn’t know either because we’re new to this. Any advice and words of wisdom I would greatly appreciate!


In case anyone is reading this and is in the same position as I am I thought I would update! The lines stayed light and then slowly faded over the next 3 days and then on 09/14 at 4 weeks and 4 days I got my period. This was a chemical pregnancy. This is my first time having a chemical pregnancy and also my 3 month of TTC. I’m so sad but we will keep trying! Good luck to all of you! ❤️