When did you get an induction date??

Samantha • 29❤️Mommy to 3!

I switched doctors in the second half of my pregnancy, strictly because my doctor did not deliver at the larger hospital close by and I didn’t want to chance being split from the babies if they needed any help after birth. My local hospital is a very small hospital.

I had heard such great things about this new doctor but it has been a NIGHTMARE. I’ve been told my whole pregnancy that they will NOT let me go past 38 weeks. It’s apparently the national standard in the US and the placenta starts to break down after 38 weeks with twins. Now all of a sudden their wording is “we probably won’t let you go past 38 weeks” like what??

I’m currently 36+5. I’ve been sent to triage 5 times for my blood pressure being high and they just send me home. I had an appt yesterday with my doctor and instead of answering any questions I had, he flittered off because he was so busy and told the nurse to tell me to go to triage again. I didn’t get ANY answers to my questions. The hospital asked me today if the doctors had discussed inducing me and I literally had to tell them that they haven’t discussed anything with me at all!!

Had anyone else had this issue? If you made it past 35 weeks, did they ever give you a date you’d be induced by? Did they even mention it to you?? Or those of you who were induced, when did you receive your date??

I don’t see the doctor again until Wednesday. I’ll be 37+4 by then. I’m frustrated, and completely miserable. I’ve been having contractions for two weeks and I feel like the doctors at my office or the hospital just don’t care.

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I got my induction date 2 days before. And it’s only because I chose that day, they were willing to send me right away but I needed a beat to wrap my head around things. They would not discuss a date with me until my final ultrasound with MFM. Also- my whole pregnancy I thought when they said 38 weeks it meant “38 weeks 6 days”. It’s actually 38+0. They’re only saying probably because they might not be able to schedule you exactly on 38+0 but I can’t imagine it would be more than a day or 2. You’re closer than you think!!!


Samantha • Sep 11, 2020
I went to what I thought was going to be my final ultrasound today but they had me schedule another one for next week just in case. I’m getting stressed because of how much I don’t know and they aren’t taking the time to answer my questions. At this point I’m hoping I go this weekend because facing the doctors again next week (tried calling today and apparently they closed super early) is already irritating me. They’re so quick to dismiss anything and I just have no idea what is going on.


Jessica • Sep 11, 2020
I was 37+1 on my final ultrasound and delivered at 37+3


Posted at
I received my induction date 2 days before. I was exactly 37 weeks when I was induced. They were more “seeing how things go” before booking anything.


Samantha • Sep 11, 2020
That’s pretty much what my doctor said at my first appt after I switched. But now they won’t talk to me and I’m just in the dark. I’ve felt like I’m navigating the pregnancy blindly and with out help. I guess I just figured that most pregnancies for multiples got an actual end by date if they dont go on their own before then


Posted at
I did not make it past 35 weeks, I went at 34weeks with my twins. However. My c section was scheduled for 38weeks on the dot back when I was 30weeks. And even then when I was 32 weeks my doctor kept telling me that I probably wouldn’t make it past 36weeks because of how huge I was then.