Coffee 😭



So I can’t drink coffee because it has caffeine which is a trigger to my vasovagal syncope (I pass out really easily) so I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions that I can use that will substitute coffee so I can be super productive thought the day without being super jittery/dizzy.

Thanks ladies ✨

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Posted at
Decaf! Tastes the exact same!I can’t drink regular either because the caffeine triggers my anxiety and panic attacks.A regular cup of coffee is 100mg of caffeine and decaf is only 2mg of caffeine!


Posted at
decaf green tea, cold showers, doing some exercise when you're sleepy, etc. if you need energy, eating fruit etc is good too. light snacks that are easy to convert into energy without putting you in a food coma lol.


Posted at
To be honest..... Green tea uncaffeinated and any leafy green veggie gives me tons of energy. Celery stalks surprisingly mk me feel i could run a marathon🧐🤔😂. Also making sure you eliminate processed foods, taking vitamin b complex, ginseng, can help tremendously.


Posted at
A good B-Complex vitamin and ofcourse eating plenty of greens/fresh veggies and fruit. Plenty of water.😊


Posted at
Hot water with freshly squeezed lemon juice.