Drama.... need advice


Ok so. My friend is being pretty rude a judge mental and I told her about it and she is still doing it. She says that she hates drama yet she’s always in it. I have caught her talking about me to our other friend and haven’t said anything. And one time I was dating this guy and he broke up with me for her. Correction he ghosted me for her. She knew he was going to break up with me 1 week before he did. While we were dating she would tell my sister how she liked but she didn’t want to hurt me. She even said she loved him. And whenever she needs me I am always there for her and I am a shoulder to cry on. But when I need her I can never cry around her. She always laughs or try’s to make jokes. For example when my boyfriend broke up with all she really said was how this is life and I will get over it soon. Help :(