Please help! Any advise is a help!


Ok so on Sept 1st I had leg surgery. As everyone knows they always make you take a pregnancy test before surgery. Which I'm guessing it was negative since they did surgery. So surgery went great that Thursday after I woke up a neaseous and I thought well maybe its from the surgery! So I just slept the day because I just felt blah.

Friday came and I woke up and im a coffee person when I wake up. I got my cup of coffee and when I took a sip I got a weird taste in my mouth I thought okay my coffee pot is off but my SO said it was fine to him. Again I thought my surgery really had me off. So I just went to water and drank that which tasted fine. About half way through the day I felt so full that I had no appetite what so ever. If I did eat something I'd get nauseous. I thought ok something is wrong.

All weekend I was nauseous through the day. I had no appetite, peeing like crazy, certain smells make me sick, feeling bloated, moodiness and emtional is an understatement, constipated, extremely tired. Anyone else experience these symptoms before a bfp? Im so confused with it all because of surgery that im not sure. I cant go off of my periods because they are irregular. I had rightbsided cramping this Wednesday when I was going to bed it was a sharp cramp. Any advice to this would be a great help. TIA