My nap struggles have got so much worse


My baby went from perfect self settling sleep for one nap and bedtime to screaming when I sing our usual song for bed. Will not self settle at naps but will with no problem at night. Shesalso started taking a shorter nap and won’t be settle back to sleep once awake. She’s been constipated and us getting a tip tooth but has never ever been this bad. One day last week she was awake 7am until 3 when I finally managed to get a nap in that only lasted 40 mins.

What’s happened to our naps I thought we had a solid routine in due a new little one any day now she’s fine when I get her up but if I leave her in cot she gets hysterical and If I go in she throws herself back in the cot and resists settling. It’s so strange she’s not done this before but has for 3 naps this week.