Too early to ovulate?


Needing some advice. I got pregnant and had a missed misscarriage last month, followed by a d&c August 30th. On September 7th they did an ultrasound and cleared me to resume my sex life and try again whenever I was ready, although they made it clear I probably wouldn't even ovulate or have my period for another month or two. We had sex the 9th and again yesterday the 12th. Just to see what would happen I took a pregnancy test and ovulation test (they don't recheck labs here for your hcg levels apparently to keep track of it going down). My ovulation test came back positive (I know it can be a false positive it you have hcg, hence why I took a pregnancy test as well), and my pregnancy test came back negative. Not even a hint of a line. I know there's no way to know for sure and nobody here is a doctor, but is it possible I really am ovulating this early and have a *chance* at getting pregnant already? Had anyone had this happen? I never had a period yet either. Just looking for input and maybe stories from someone whose been in a similar situation. Thanks in advance!