New things


I have always suffered with anxiety an have been able to get past it but lately it’s been to hard to. I accepted a new job about 30 minutes away from me and ever since I ddI my anxiety has been sky high I keep thinking about the drive an what if I get sick when I start there or can’t control my anxiety cuz even where I’m at now I get episodes of sickness and weakness as I work nights but I live like five minutes away so I can easily convince myself I’m okay. Me an my boyfriend have been looking at places to rent close to my new job which that is a whole other thing as well cuz I still live at home. as you can see there are a lot of changes coming an my body isn’t handling it well. With anxiety it’s hard to tell if it is a gut feeling or just something to push past as I’m used to anxiety holding me back. I need to move forward in life but whenever I get close I push back.