Ectopic pregnancy?


On 8/17 I found out we were pregnant. We used one round of provera since I do not ovulate. I had a follow-up appointment with my OB and I had a transvaginal ultrasound on 8/31. My OB indicated there was nothing showing inside my uterus. She had checked my tubes, nothing. We scheduled a follow up for Thursday 9/3. Again, I had a vaginal ultrasound , nothing seen on my uterus, nothing in my tubes or ovaries. At this pint my hcg levels were in the mid 4,000 and they were not doubling so she indicated this was not a viable pregnancy.

I had a DNC on 9/4, they did not find much and when my hcg levels were ran on 9/5, the next morning after the DNC, they were in the mid 5000’s. They decided to give me a shot of methotrexate, a drug used for chemotherapy and to help induce abortions. After measuring my hcg levels on day 4 ,They were in the 8,000’s and on day 7, they were in the high 7,000. Because they were not lowering as expected she scheduled a vaginal ultrasound for 9/12.

When I was being checked, imaging revealed that in fact, the pregnancy had not been ectopic; it was in place, in my uterus. They found a gestational sac and yolk sac, measuring 5 weeks and 5 days. But because I had taken the methotrexate, a known cause of birth defects, my pregnancy was pretty much doomed. At least that’s what it seems like. What may have been a perfectly healthy pregnancy had been ended by well-meant medical treatment.

Please, I’m seeking some advice here. Was this malpractice? Should they have given it some time? I’m so upset I don’t even know what to think. 😔