Oregon air quality


I live in Hillsboro and I work in Portland Oregon. I’m also 19 weeks and 5 days pregnant. I work in a warehouse but they have these big trailer doors that they leave open all day. My work is filled with smoke during the work day and the air quality outside is hazardous so I can imagine it’s just as bad inside the warehouse. I’m waiting for a call back from my ob because I want to see how all of the smoke can effect me and the baby. I know it can’t be good because the air quality in Portland is hazardous but I don’t feel like I should be calling out all the time rn because I’ve only been working there for a about a month. I called out on Saturday because I thought the air would be better by Tuesday but it doesn’t look like it will be any better tomorrow. Ugh I’m just worried about having to be breathing in the smoke all day again. It makes me feel sick and gives me a headache. What do you guys think?