What should I do? Is that a sign that he’s not that into me?

Idk if it’s an energy or a gut feeling which is telling me that things aren’t right.

This guy I’m dating is not a fuckboy and my sister has worked with him and she’s also told me that. But, whenever we’re out together he checks out other women’s bums or stares at their faces or something. He tries not to make it bait but I notice. I notice everything. It just makes me not want to meet up with him, it does bother me. I’m also insecure. I do think I’m pretty but him looking at other girls just makes me think oh shit I ain’t enough

I don’t want to confront him because it’s like it’s never the right moment. I can’t really say “why you lookin at her bum” I feel uncomfortable confronting. I probably will when it’s the right moment.