10 weeks pregnant, bleeding and two blood clots today.


This is my first pregnancy. I feel happy to be cruising along with no symptoms beside light cramping and maybe a slight headache here and there. Please pray for the baby to be alive strong and healthy because Today around 11:30am I started cramping and felt like laying down, got up to use the restroom and it felt weird eventually bleeding and than a thick long blood clot came out, than later in the day another thick long blood clot. I did have some light bleeding (not spotting) in between blood clots and now it’s just light bleeding but with some light cramping. I called the prenatal clinic I go to, they said it was normal unless I see bright red blood which it all seemed bright red to me except for the clots those were dark. I have my first ultra sound this coming Thursday iv been anxiously and excitingly waiting for. I need positive affirmations. Has this happened to anyone? Did everything turn out okay?