

My son is 4m and this is his first fall/Halloween. We plan on getting him his first pumpkin but my MIL insists that she got his first pumpkin and when I corrected her about it bwinft the first she got him she said we can go around on this but I got him his first pumpkin. My husband and I had a big blow out - me almost leaving with our son - fight about it because I said she did it on purpose *it grew accidentally* and that she knew what she was doing. He said no she wasn't doing it on purpose until we talked to her the next day and she admitted it.

I get she loves him but I'm so pissed off because she did her 2 kids firsts and she is overstepping the boundaries. She knows what she is doing and I already know we will get his first pumpkin but I'm not going to share his firsts with her. My parents haven't ever done anything like that but my husband says I just need to get over it and accept that's how she is.

I know I should be grateful but I feel like he should put her in her place. This our first kiddo and her first grandkid. I just don't know how to get it into her head that this isn't her place and nor is it her kid. I already plan on doing a photoshoot with his REAL first pumpkin WE get him but I can't wrap my head around the shit she does. I don't understand why she needs to think she can insert herself in our life. I just needed to rant because my husband sees no problem in what she's doing.

For context I do not plan on having anymore kids because he came 5w early and had a 23 day nicu stay.