How’re My Charts Looking? 🙃

Hello 👋🏽 ,

I’ve been using different apps to see if my O day was actually on the 09/07, CD 18. And it did show for the Premom, Glow & FF. P Tracker was different, it showed that I O’d on 09/09, CD 20. Which is confusing me on what DPO I’m currently at today.

Sooooo, What do you guys think? 😏

I’m currently working on getting a BBT with the two digits after the point/dot. So please bare with me & my charts. I just worked with what I had on hand.

Thanks in Advance Ladies!

Baby Dust All Around ✨

Premom App:

<a href="">Glow App</a>:

Fertility Friend App:

PTracker App: