Why is TTC so stressful?

T • Mama to a miracle🌈 6/8/21

So my period was due 9/13, still nothing however I’ve been testing daily and had a couple vvvvvvfl but not getting darker. This was my third cycle TTC since my MC in May.

I had an ultrasound done two weeks ago confirming I did ovulate, however there’s a polyp in my uterus which could be why I haven’t gotten pregnant yet. My doctor said if I don’t get pregnant this cycle we are doing an SHG on 9/24. I’m so extremely nervous.

Has anyone had experience with this? Do they remove the polyp while doing the sonogram or will they schedule another procedure to do so?

Really praying I’m pregnant and just implanted later but not too hopeful. If not, I really pray these procedures get the job done and we can get pregnant right after. 😭 I just want a healthy baby.