5 months and Solids


My baby just turned 5 months and is not satisfied with milk. He already gets 36oz or more a day and still seems to need more. He has doubled his birth weight, showing interest in our food, opens his mouth when he sees his spoon but DOESN'T SIT UP UNSUPPORTED YET.

I did not feed him any rice cereal when they recommended it at 4 months because I didn't see a need for it and since it's not gonna do him any good, why bother.

Well now he seems soo hungry and as much as I'd like any type of solids to start next month, what am I gonna do with this very hungry boy? I've increased his feeding to 7oz a feed but noted no changes yet.

I'm considering starting him on oatmeal cereal however his pediatrician also said he can start on purees now since he is a big boy.

Any suggestions on how to approach this? I know 6 months is recommended but what am I supposed to do with him wanting more since he is already getting way over the average max for milk for his age?

I attached the response from his doctor. Covered the names for privacy.