SPD help 🙃🤰



I have severe spd as well as another dysfunction I can’t remember the name of right now. They told me to stop walking so much and they put a lot of restrictions on what I can do. It hurts SO bad to move over in bed and I’m not getting enough sleep. It feels like baby’s head is right there ready to pop out at anytime. I’m 34 weeks anything that can help ease the pain ? They gave me Vicodin but I threw out the rest because I didn’t like the idea of taking opiates while pregnant.....

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I have it and feel like there’s nothing I can do but deal with it 😩. I do wear a maternity band when I’m up and about for long stretches.


Posted at
I have it and went and saw a physical therapist but even the therapist said there’s not much they can do since it’s the baby that’s causing all the pain. She gave make a paper of stretches to do and it’s been helping but other than that just gotta push through till baby is here 😩


Justine • Sep 15, 2020
Gave me*


Posted at
They did not diagnose me with spd but im really sure I have it. Last night I screamed out just because I moved wrong in bed while watching TV.