Vacation with baby and other random thoughts

Michelle (mamabear)

Hellooo ladies!

So, who else is Team No Nap today! Rubee is taking little cat naps here and there-but nothing substantial. She’s even wiggly when she’s napping on me-which is usually my go to when she’s not napping in the pack n play. Maybe a leap?

Also-we’re going to the beach in about 2 weeks. It’s about 8 hours away, so we are stopping to stay the night with my parents mid way. That means baby will be spending one night there (a completely new place) and then a week at our beach house (another completely new place). I’m so worried it’s going to screw up her sleeping schedule. Her nap schedule is still a shit show, so I’m not worried about that-but she’s actually been sleeping well at night (knock on wood) and I really don’t wanna ruin it 😭I’m going to keep as many constants as I can-her swaddle/blanket, and her sound machine. But she usually sleeps in her crib and naps in her pack n play, and she’ll need to sleep in her pack n play while we’re gone. Am I screwed here?? Any tips?