Toddler tantrums

How do you guys deal with toddler tantrums?

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Time outs mostly. If were at the store and she starts having a fit we just stand to the side until she's calmed down. Or distractions if shes having a tantrum over sharing toys or something.


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My 3 year old gets put into timeout for a few minutes to calm himself down. Then I go in and hug on him, talk to him about what happened and what he should do instead of throwing a tantrum. Nothing really stops my 18 month olds tantrums so I usually just pretend I’m not paying him attention and then he goes on about his way. He has a different temperament than my oldest and quite a temper.


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My baby is 19 months, and I’ve done timeouts, which somewhat work, but I’ve found the best result is just getting down to her level, telling her to look me in the eyes, and saying I know you’re sad and that’s ok, but we need to act like a big girl. So far, it has gotten her to stop every time. I always make sure to give her a quick hug and tell her I love her. It’s normal for toddler to not know how to express their feelings. You just need to stay calm and collected and it’ll pass pretty quickly. If they see you’re frustrated as well, they’re not going to calm down


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How old? If my son is throwing a tantrum, often times I just have to let him work it out on his own, but sometimes I can reason with him. For example, if he wants to go outside, but I want him to pick up his toys first I say “Do you want to go outside?” And he usually stops and says yes, then I say okay well then let’s pick up your toys so you can go outside. That way he knows I’m listening to him, but he needs to do me a favor first. It works maybe 30% of the time lol.


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Depends on how rough it is and what it is about. We do timeout in the corner not in her room where all of her toys and fun stuff is.


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I like to give mine a big tight hug! As annoyed as I am it usually always calms them down.


Trinity • Sep 15, 2020


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I put mine in timeout in his room and after 5-10 mins depending on the situation he's a different person. Sometimes when he throws a tantrum and I'm busy I tell him go to the living room. That way he doesn't hurt himself when he has a meltdown.