Needing some positive vibes


Been cramping the past few days. Yesterday morning it got pretty bad so I went to the ER. It was before the doctors offices were opened. They did an ultrasound and didn’t find intrauterine pregnancy. They did locate four cyst in total on my ovaries. Since I’m only four weeks they kept me all day yesterday and all of this morning to run some test and monitor my symptoms. My doctor believes it is just too early to see the pregnancy in the uterus and I just so happen to have cyst that are causing me pain. I’m definitely hoping that’s exactly what it is. I had a moment last night where the pains peaked and were unbearable. After waking this morning the constant pain has passed and I just get an occasional twinge. I’m thinking one or more of the cyst burst. Anyway.... I have an appointment next Tuesday, I’ll be 5.5 weeks at that point and we will hopefully get the confirmation that my bean planted where she was supposed to. We’re also only using feminine pronouns in an effort to will this one into a girl. Lol. So if I could get prayers, good vibes, meditations or even sacrifices to the dark lord, whatever you’re into, all is welcomed. And I’ll update you when I know more. Oh... my HCG levels did increase and are within the parameters for my progression and there was no indication of any internal bleeding.