I need some advice :(

Hello everyone I suffer from anxiety at times insecurity problems and major trust issues with my man. The way we got together was we both cheated on our previous partners so there’s always negative thoughts and trust issues between us .

Hes never done anything wrong in years wer always traveling together but this time he tells me he has to go to la for th weekend for business bbq he got invited to from his business friend it’s an invite only so he can’t take me. He told me it’s best he goes there to network with all the people attending since it’s a cannabis bbq and important ppl will be there & he’s trying to get into th cannabis business and expand the one he’s currently working on with me (we are starting up one together)

Then today he tells me it’s in Beverly Hills at a mansion. I immediately get uncomfortable bc I already know it’s going to be a lot of models there and females who work for th cannabis places.

I dont have proof of this but I just know it’s going to be one of those type of bbq & what annoyed me is he kept saying he’s not even interested in going to th bbq he’s just trying to go network ... yet he’s still going to go . After we got off the phone Is it weird that I was crying and stressing out bad about it this is how insecure I am... I’m so upset and worried about what’s goin to happen over there or that night i already have all these bad thoughts and scenarios that he will meet some females there or a women and take her back to his hotel etc bc he will be all alone out there and he’s such a peoples person outgoing and friendly/flirty I know how he is ..

Should I bring it up to him or just ignore it idk what to do it’s really really realllyyyy bothering me soo bad I’m a really jealous person and I don’t like the thought of him being out there at a party checking other females out and conversating with them getting their numbers etc idk what to do except cry It doesn’t help when I have anxiety