Cat poops on the bed. SEND HELP!


So my adorable (almost 3 y.o) kitty cat has turned into a real gremlin by infrequently and without any appearant reason pooping into the bed. And then trying to hide it by folding the blanket down on it or pushing something on the 💩 pile. Real odd behavior.

He's castrated, clean health bill, clean, big, open box in an open, airy space, not overweight, fed regularly and scratched as requred. If I were kept like him I'd be ecstatic, but he's a cat so taking it all for granted as he should.

Previously he sometimes executed his revenge by peeing in the bed (usually triggered by annual vet visit and getting his shots) but this is a whole new level and we can't think of anything that has changed.

For now we'll just close the bedroom door when leaving the house but any ideas and experiences in putting a permanent stop to it are so 👏 very 👏 welcome.

Here's a picture of his majesty the emperor Mighty Bed Pooper, the first of his name, passed out on the couch.