IVF during pandemic...


I haven’t been open with this to anyone, so I wanted to come here to talk with anyone willing to listen. We had to do <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> to conceive our twins who are now 3 years old. To my surprise, I’ve recently been really itching to go back to the clinic to transfer my frozen blastocysts to try for 1 more. My only fear is that this world is such a scary place to bring more children into. With the whole social distancing and everything, it’s not a normal world anymore and who knows of it will ever get better. But I can’t help but want another baby. Maybe it’s my hormones?! I am 35, so I’m not getting any younger, and all I can’t stop thinking about giving the 8 remaining blastocysts a try. We would only be transferring one at a time to avoid twins again, so my chances of actually conceiving probably won’t be too high anyway.

What are your feelings about bringing babies into this “new normal” world?

Thank you!