Birth Story

I found out I was pregnant with di/di twins. Everything was going great until I got Covid at 25 weeks. After I was given the okay to join civilization I went to my Drs appointment on July 28 and found out that my baby girl twin B had stopped growing and passed away. The most heartbreaking news in my life.

Fast forward to 33 weeks twin A baby boy had stopped growing and my amniotic fluid was low so I had to go back and it was okay not great but he was fine.

Fast forward to yesterday I went in for my weekly appointment at 35 weeks and my amniotic fluid was even lower so I had to get induced. Around 1 they put the pill in checked me around 6 and I wasn’t dilated any. They put a second pill in. My contractions were getting stronger and longer and painful. Baby boy heart rate kept dropping with every contraction and they couldn’t keep him on the monitors so they were debating a c section. The contractions were way worse this time then with my first son 5 years ago and I got piticion. I was screaming and praying to God that the pain would ease up. At 8:00 they checked me and I was 5cm.They wanted to put a monitor on his head to track his heart rate. I wanted them to wait until my pain eased up just a little. They said no. As I’m having a contraction my water breaks and as soon as my water breaks I have an urge to push like never before my legs are shaking I’m screaming what’s wrong with me I felt like I was going to die. They try and check me and I’m like no please wait until this feeling passes they all scream at me like no your baby is coming and you need to stop pushing or you’ll hurt him. How do you force your body to stop doing something it’s meant to do idk?. So my mom comes over and says we don’t want to lose him too so get it together. They check me at 8:03 and tell me I’m fully dilated and I can push with contractions. Again nothing like my first son 5 years ago. PAINFUL. At 8:42 my baby boy was born weighing 4lbs 12.3oz. Around 9o’clock ish they delivered my sweet baby girl in her placenta. I opted out to see her. My mom said she had no face her skin was peeling off because she was in the womb for so long without life. She only has 1 hand and has a broken foot. I took pictures of her hand and feet. Tomorrow I’ll get castings of that and a memory box. I will say goodbye to her tomorrow by kissing her hand and feet just so she’ll know that I love her and wish that she was here with her brother. Losing a child is very hard 😞. I’m taking it day by day.

Endnote: I am very dramatic. I have a very low pain tolerance. I apologized to all the staff for my behavior. This was definitely my last time giving birth. The pain was something I’ll never forget. Since I never healed from my first birth I had to get stitched from the inside. Painful as well and I’m very swollen. Thank God it’s over. I pray none of you have to experience that kind of pain during your delivery. My labor in total was 8hrs. My first was 7.

Sidebar; I told all the nurses that I’d have him by 8:30 if not then by 10:30. I even prayed for it and asked my god mother to pray the same. 12 minutes after my goal ain’t bad. Thank you Jesus.