Finally at the end


Hey girls before I delete this app wanted to help someone out I have been going crazy on google and YouTube looking up labor signs the last couple of days and I am finally there but I had none of the signs they list on every website 2 days ago the 14th I had a lot of off and on contractions they weren’t close yesterday the 15th all day I was so tired couldn’t keep my eyes open no contractions at all mild cramping though I finally got up out of bed around 3:30 cooked for my family after I was done my legs started to feel really funny me thinking it was because I was on my feet cooking I went to lay down then started having lighting crotch pains still no contractions so I told my husband I was going to the hospital to get checked got there around 6:45 she then checked me and I was 6cm dilated i couldn’t believe it I was shocked I still wasn’t contracting as of now it’s the 16th I am 9cm it’s 5:31 they are about to bust my water bag my pregnant journey is finally over lol it was a long year hope this helps those article and labor signs are not for everyone I didn’t have one thing listed so I guess I said that to say if you have a feeling it’s time then it just might be time good luck ladies