Roommate probsss

So I’ve been living with a friend of mine for about four months and it’s been lots of fun she’s very easy going and we’re super compatible so far. Recently she got back together with her on and off again boyfriend, it’s not been so fun since then. He’s here nearly every night, she never tells me when he’s coming round or asks. They have really loud sex at any point in the time he’s round. We don’t really have much girl time anymore and she kind of keeps herself to herself when she’s not with him. I can’t express how different it used to be.

He’s a nice guy I don’t dislike him, we all get along for sure. He buys us a lot of things treats us to meals/helps us out also. I don’t mind him being here or even loud sex time to time it’s part if living with someone but it’s all getting too much and I’m not sure what to do or say.

Any advice would be appreciated 🥺

Thanks xoxo