Polyhydramnios birth stories?

Courtney • SO TX. Wifey. Mama. My cat is my BFF 👯

Hey everyone. I’m looking for birth stories of people who had polyhydramnios. I’m 38 weeks, AFI is 30, 3cm, 50% effaced and lost my plug with blood about 10 days ago. I’m worried that because he can’t engage with all the fluid that I won’t go into natural labor. Someone tell me that’s delusional 😩 They think he’s very big too so I’m truly truly miserable. This is my 4th baby but first one with poly. I live on my yoga ball constantly trying to get him down but he’s still floating. I just need to hear from real people that my body is capable of going into labor on its own even if he isn’t pushing on my cervix.