Prayers needed 😞 updated


11 weeks 3 days, I stood up and felt like I had peed myself and reached diwn and saw blood. There was a huge clot on my panties and now I’m bleeding like period flow. My OB said to avoid ER at all costs and only go if I was bleeding profusely and in excruciating pain. I am not bleeding way less than regular flow period but blood is bright red. Having some light cramping. My panties were soaked as well with fluid and blood when I saw after I felt the “burst”. I don’t know how to feel. This is my first baby at 35 after thinking I’d never get pregnant. My mind is refusing to think the worst. The clot did not look like a baby which I know would be very well formed right now so I am hanging on to hope.

She will be seeing me first thing to check on baby and heartbeat. What hurts worse is I’ll have to face the possibly bad news alone due to covid restrictions.

Thank you all fir your prayers. This will be the hardest and most restless night of my life.

UPDATE: Confirmed subchorionic hematoma and not a miscarriage. Hope is that slowly overtime this thing will dissolve and disappear but will be monitored closely for a couple of weeks. Thankful for the prayers. It’s so hard to not get in your head and fear for the worse. I had prepared myself for hearing the words I didn’t want to hear which was “I’m sorry”. Truth is I’ve been so disconnected from the pregnancy out of fear. I’m holding myself and my heart back from dreaming and the fear of losing the baby made me regret not allowing myself to enjoy this pregnancy. I’m doing everything I should and taking care of myself and this baby. I feel guilty because so many others want this gift so badly and it’s definitely been a rollercoaster of emotions. God is definitely using this pregnancy to break some chains that have held me for a long time. Vulnerability has always been hard for me. But I know I love this child more than I thought I could. I know that without a fact.

I heard the heartbeat for the first time today which was amazing. Baby looks good, heartbeat good and growth is good. Just gotta avoid some activities and monitor my bleeding. Thank you for those of you who took the time to pray for a stranger and read this post.

Any mommy’s have this feel or a subchorionic hematoma?