Is my friend toxic

So I have been out a few times with my work friend and she is crazy on a night out completely different person drunk than sober. But whenever she has a drink she starts telling everyone she meets that her dad died a month ago and her brother a week ago yet it has been years that they both died. She will start crying and telling people a huge story of lies about going to the funeral earlier in the day and that is why she is out drinking now. She will be crying screaming and on the floor. When I have asked her why she keeps lying she said because she likes the attention and people buy her drinks because they feel sorry for her but I personally find it disgusting to use someone’s death this way. She also took a bunch of us to her dads grave I just went along because I wanted to make sure everyone was safe and she started smashing up her dads grave and ripping all of his flowers off it. She’s like a literal psycho when she drinks

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