Is my new job a stressful/toxic place, or is this normal?


How would you describe your current work place? Is it a more laid back atmosphere, so you enjoy what you do, and does your boss/upper management treat you well? Or at the very least treat you in a somewhat respectable manner? I’ve been moved into a new role and I feel like it’s extremely toxic and stressful, but maybe this is just the norm in a work place?

I’ve been at my current place of employment for 6yrs. The position I originally hired in for, I took off with it and my boss made it known I was the most likely candidate to take over his job in a few years. My boss was also amazing. He allowed us to be extremely flexible as far as time off, (As long as my team worked out the coverage amongst ourselves, we were ok to use our vacation time as needed, or take off last minute for sick kids), and he always spoke to us in a respectable manner. If something was done wrong he would tell me but also let me know how it should have been done, so I could do it correctly going forward. I LOVED my job, and my teams were amazing. I didn’t realize a workplace could be that laid back and enjoyable and believe no where else could ever be like that.

2 months ago it went to shit. My company brought in new presidents and VPs and the began eliminating jobs. Mine was one of them. They said the still wanted to keep me so they moved me into an accounting position. And it’s awful. My new boss isn’t what I’d ever want in a manager. First off no one ever really trained me bc they’re all to busy so I’m trying to learn this myself; that means there’s going to be some mistakes and it may take me a bit to learn. She yells at you when you don’t work fast enough or something isn’t right; very rarely does she ever explain how it should have been done, she just tells you to get it right and work faster. If I ask a question over something she said is wrong she tells me “don’t get defensive”. And I’m not, I need to know how to fix it. We aren’t supposed to have any overtime; yet if you take a lunch and leave when you are supposed too, she demands to know why some stuff was not completed. If you stay bc she tells you that something has to be done today, the next day she snaps about your over time. For the time off; I always give 2 weeks notice. I’ve had 2 dr appts for my baby and told her 2 weeks in advance like she asked. Each time she’s upset with me bc “that leaves them short staffed”. Which I get, but it’s for 1/2 day and I have to use my vacation time some way bc we have a use it or lose it policy. This is the most stressful, toxic workplace I’ve ever seen.

Does this sound like a normal work place though? Are most places this toxic and stressful? Ive been trying to see about moving somewhere else in the company bc 2 other managers I know are NOT that bad. But if I go to a completely new business, is that sort of the norm from a manager?