My birth story

B • Everything happens for a reason!

So it has taken me a while to be able to write this out but I would like to share my experience and birth story with my first baby.

So my original due date was September 5th. I went into my doctor on August 31st for my weekly visit. He said ow as 2 can dilated and he did a sweep of my membrane. I left his office with the hopes labor would be starting sometime that day. By the tome a got home I had started having some bleeding. Not long after arriving home I started having some contractions. They started to be consistent around 1 pm and I was admitted to the hospital about 3 pm on August 31st. Thank god for the epidural because I would have never been able to last as long as my labor did about 17 hours. We were hoping things were progressing well and quickly and we would have a baby later that night. That was not the case. Every time we tried pushing throughout the night my son would get stressed out so they would make me wait another few hours. We tried that multiple times overnight once at 11:30 on August 31st then again at 1am in September 1st, then again at 3:30 am, finally things started progressing around 6am on September 1st and we had a baby by 7:10am on September 1st. Our son was born it was an amazing experience. My husband was incredible during the whole thing he was there encouraging me and making sure I was comfortable and taken care of.

I wish I could say it was all hearts and rainbows after that but that two week period immediately postpartum was a rough one. Our son was latching well but my body must not have been producing much for him so he was up all day and night those first two days crying and barley sleeping as were we. We were completely exhausted and I just remember being in tears in the middle of the night from exhaustion, pain and worry about my new baby and meeting his needs. Most of those few days immediately postpartum were full of tears and anxiety that many people don’t talk about. We decided a fed baby is a happy baby so we made the decision to start giving some formula two days after he was born and it has been the best decision ever. I have continued to pump and nurse as much breast mill as I can but my body doesn’t seem to be producing enough to keep up with my growing boy.

I just wanted to take some time out to share our story to help anyone who might be going through the same thing or can relate.

It’s hard to believe it has been two weeks in a way and also I feel like our son has been here forever.

Good luck to all the moms to be out there where you have kids already or this will be your first one.