Does a poorly written text/post irk you?

I’ve see many posts with not a single period (run on sentence/paragraph), improper punctuation (or lacking any), incorrect spelling and all in all not able to understand what was being said. Does it bother you? I feel like at the very least, everyone should be able to spell properly. We all have smart phones and they can all autocorrect. If not, there’s this really neat thing called GOOGLE that helps you find the correct spelling, definition, synonym AND even antonym! Call me a grammar nazi but it makes my skin crawl when people can’t write a complete sentence. WE’RE ADULTS! We have kids! We have jobs! We should be able to do simple things like this! 😩😭

Side note: If English is your first language, how can you not be fluent in speaking it or writing it? Obviously if it isn’t your first language you get a pass.

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