Would you be able to move past it

If you found out your husband had looked up a coworkers onlyfans page where she does really skanky things would you be able to look past it?

Edit: he didn't pay for it but i found out about it because he took a screen shot of her page and i saw it in his photos. I have an issue with it because I've openly told him I've felt insecure about her since they work together and she seems to always be in his office and texts him outside of work.

He has been apologetic, but he keeps hiding stupid things from me. He says its to keep the peace because im uncomfortable, but it just makes me feel like he's hiding things.

Edit #2: when I confronted him about it he seemed really sorry (but who knows if it was genuine) he did say he looked out of curiosity and isn't attracted to her but I find that hard to believe, why look if you aren't interested. The hardest part of all of this is were going through fertility treatments to try and have our first child. I found this the day i got my negative which made this even harder. I just dont feel like i can deal with all of this, but I love him so much. Im just lost

Edit #3: he said he didn't know why he screen shot it (i think this is a cop out so he doesn't have to answer to what he did) he keeps saying I'm not attracted to her, but if thats the case why try to see what she looks like naked or in something he should only see me in.

I was not "slut shaming" the girl he looked up, even though I do not like or trust her she didn't make him look i hold him accountable for his actions not her. Im sorry i stand by the opinion that my body is for my husband and my husband alone if I posted what she did I would also say what I was doing was skanky.

Since this happened all we've been doing is fighting. I really feel like things are just coming to an end. Those that say just leave not okay, I love this man and yes he has hurt me by what he's done, but that doesn't mean my love for him has faded.