Scared to bond with baby

So this is my first pregnancy (it was planned) and I feel like every step of the way I have been scared to bond or be excited about this baby. In the first trimester I didn't want to get excited because I was so scared of miscarriage or that my scans would come back with something wrong that I would have to have a D&C. I thought I would get over that once I was out of the first trimester. But now I'm 23 weeks, I've had a great pregnancy so far and I'm still scared to bond or get too excited. My mind just runs with all the things that could go wrong. What if we have a still birth? What if they have a heart defect? Don't get me wrong I'm happy to be pregnant and I get excited to feel kicks and that I have a belly so people can finally tell that I'm pregnant. I think a lot has to do with that I'm an emergency nurse so I see the worst case scenario every time I go to work so I'm always preparing for the worst. But I just wanted to see if there are other people out there maybe feeling the same way.

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