Husband and porn

I’m not okay with my husband watching porn. I view it as cheating and that was a conversation we had long before we were married and he agreed he thought it was disgusting. I’m okay with him masturbating in general, but not to porn.

We’re supposed to be very suddenly moving for his work next week and he just got the offer last week. I’m 22 weeks pregnant and our whole relationship I’m the one who’s given and sacrificed and I feel like in a sense it’s a woman’s job (man too) to support their spouse, even if that means relocating for better jobs etc.

Ill be commuting back for appts 3 hours each way with our 3 year old and I just feel like everything is on me. I took my son to my moms yesterday for 12 hours for her birthday and as you can imagine we have an insane amount of things to get done to move so soon (we own our current house etc) and he decided he had time to watch porn and masturbate.

He claims it was literally the first time since we’ve been married Hes watched porn, though admitted to occasional masturbation and I 1) don’t believe him 2) he immensely broke my trust and I literally don’t know what to do.

I’ve been SO sad crying all night feeling like im not enough or he’s not attracted to me being that I’m pregnant, let’s be real, more women in porn don’t look like “normal women.”

I know many women are ok with porn and many are not.

Idk does anyone have any advice? I feel like I can’t trust him now.