Do you ever get back to normal?



I’m about 6 weeks postpartum. I had my twin girls via emergency c-section at 36w6d. My body was in so much pain at that point. My hips and back hurt constantly. I imagined that by now my back and hip pain would go away but it’s hasn’t. Now I’m asking my self, will It ever go away or is my body permanently damaged? Did the pain ever go away for you all?

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Posted at
When you doctor clears you, you can do core strength exercises. You might have diastasis recti which will have your back hurting. I had it after my twin pregnancy. It closed a little but I have it forever. My core strength is terrible. So yes, even after 7 years I still have back pain which gets worse with pregnancy.


Isabel • Sep 22, 2020
Thanks I’ll have to try the core exercises after I see my doctor.


Posted at
I had a vaginal delivery of my boys, so I don't know how helpful my comment will be to you personally 😅 BUT, my body hurts for about 4 months before returning to mostly normal. Like my epidural sight would hurt any time I did too much work and my hips/back would hurt as well.


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Mine didn’t go away until I was adjusted by a chiropractor.... BEST decision I ever ever ever made. He took x rays and it literally showed how unaligned my hips were and pelvis from this crazy pregnancy!!


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I had an emergency csection at 36+6 too! I would say something to your doctor maybe. Have you had your 6w check up?


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I don’t think you ever really go back to how you were pre-babies, but it can be manageable. I am generally pain-free but if I sleep in certain positions or sleep on a slightly uncomfortable bed, I get really bad back pain these days. I had my twins 2 years ago. Hopefully after the first few months you might start noticing some improvement, but definitely see a physio if your pain continues.


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I got a crazy bad case of carpal tunnel after my twin delivery. I thought this was a joke before I had it. I thought I was going to have it forever but 3 months later it’s 95% gone, thank God! I don’t see why your pain won’t let up at some point now that you don’t have to carry all that around.


Isabel • Sep 23, 2020
I’m glad to hear your carpal tunnel is almost all gone. This gives me hope that these aches will go away too.


Posted at
To be honest I'm 2 years out from a classical csection for our twins and I still have pain on a daily basis.


Isabel • Sep 23, 2020
Oh no! I was hoping that it would go away but I have a feeling that this will be the case for me too.