He's Still Funding His Ex-Wife

And claims to do it for the children.

My man makes just over $170k a year. Not including my income. His ex-wife was a SAHM for about a year before the divorce. The divorce was finalized just after his son was born. He turned 2 in July. By assumption, they tried working it out but she abruptly left after giving birth with no forewarning until served for their final court date to finalize. At least that's what he said and she had no valid reason to keep his children from him.

I recently found out (he told on himself) that  he is still paying her rent, car note, and money as she requests it.

I've read the divorce decree and it lists NOTHING about additional support other than the hefty amount he chose to pay OVER the recommended limit per the state. I'm not complaining because I take care of my 2 kids ALONE!! So however he can help his children, I 100% support it. My issue is that it isn't just for his children.  He agreed to pay over the state recommended limit for child support because she agreed to start working to support herself. Roughly 6 months later we met and he believes she isn't willing to find a job  because she knows he's with someone else. That doesn't make sense to me. He said there's a court date coming up if she doesn't start working soon and it's now looking like he might want to go after custody.

I  am so lost and confused. Idk if I want to stay ONLY because we aren't married and I don't want to possibly hinder him getting custody of his children because we aren't married (yet). The whole thing seems too messy!! Essentially, she agreed to accepting the higher amount to prevent them moving into an apartment. It allows her to keep them in a house because it's what she's use to and the children (girl aged 9 and boy aged 2) appropriately separated by bedroom.

My biggest issue in this is that he lied about how she was carrying the weight of taking care of his children. Why lie?! If she hasn't found work yet because 2020 has been completely fucked up and sour for everyone JUST SAY THAT!! He refuses to let my children and me ride along for pick up and drop off. And for both pickup and drop-off, he's "out of range" for at minimum 2 hours!!! I don't feel any type of way towards this woman!! We even met a few weeks back but she's apparently pressing him about getting back together.

If my post makes little sense please forgive me because it makes little sense to me too!! He did express that even though SHE left and didn't come back he went ahead and filed for divorce and she told him that she misses him and wishes they could've kept their family together.

I don't want to be naive here or be the damn fool but does any of sound remotely off?!?!?!

PLEASE be nice LOL. I've never been married or dated someone who has been so this is new to me. Don't be too harsh on me. His daughter (9 years old) has expressed that her mother is talking harshly to her about her dad. Nothing about me or my children. Which is why I don't want to get in the middle.

Thanks y'all.

Let me know if I need to clarify anything that makes absolutely no sense.