Daycare didn't call me

So my child has been at her daycare since 18 weeks old. Today she visited the "toddler" room which is right next to the room she's been in. I pick her up. She's playing and happy as can be. They said she had a great day. But then they proceed to tell me they weren't sure if she was still was breastfed or drinking whole milk. And she's been drinking whole milk there for awhile now in her old class. I asked the teacher what they gave her to drink, and they said water. And I told her next time she had a question like that she needed to just call me or text me.

Am I over reacting? She usually has 16 oz of whole milk and only got 8oz today. When we got home I asked her if she wanted milk and she was so happy and chugged it.

Another thing is she takes two naps still. And they said she has to go down to one for this new class.she was hysterically crying hy the time we got home.

I just feel out of control right now and realize I'm making a big deal out of this. It's just tough. She's my first after a terrible loss and I just don't want ppl to make decisions for me or her lol.