Birth story

Ive read so many birth stories in my last month of pregnancy, and now its my time to share my birth story with you ladies. A total of 20 hours in labor. I visited the doctor 2 days before and had the check up, my cervix was still showing zero signs of dilation so we scheduled induction after 1 week. The doctor recommended i use the yoga ball in the next days. I started using the yoga ball excessively and 2 days later i spotted few drops of blood in the afternoon. Things were normal up until 11pm where i started feeling period-like contractions. Contractions started increasing and lasting for 40-50 seconds every 7 minutes for the entire night. I went to hospital at 5am and i was 2cm dilated. I was asked to monitor the contractions and once they are coming in less than 5 minutes i can come back to hospital. Contractions increased at around 10am and i had to rush to hospital again. Got the pitocin and i was admitted to labor. In less than an hour i was having super strong contractions with less than a minute interval. This was super painful and crazy. I was given painkillers through the blood but nothing helped. I got 4cm dilated and asked for epidural immediately. I had the epidural at around 2pm and had to wait until im fully dilated. At 5:30 i was 8cm dilated and the midwife broke my water. I was feeling nothing at all during this time and i would say the epidural is simply a life saver!! At 8pm i am 10cm dilated and ready to push! Got prepared and had some few pushes and had the baby out! I was feeling no pain at all but was asked to push really hard. The doctor had to do a small cut to help avoid a third degree tear, had the cut stitched and moved to my room. The epidural’s effect stayed till the next day, once it was gone, the stitches were a bit painful but i am now recovering and feeling well.

My post is quite long but i wanted to comfort whoever is reading this and is about to deliver a baby, once you have the epidural you will forget the pain and everything will bs super okay, nothing major to worry about. You will be strong and manage it all really well :)