Tips for keeping 10 month old in her crib at night?!

I have a sweet little almost 11 month old..I have created a night time nightmare. If she is in our bed she sleeps all night no prob. I have began the process of putting her to bed after a routine and laying her down while sleepy, but not yet asleep. As soon as she hits the mattress she goes into panic mode. Screaming and freaking out. My husband and I go on and sooth her, not picking her up..and after a loooooonnnnggggg fight she falls asleep.

Within two hours she's up crying and we do it again...not picking her up.

Then we get in our bed and go to sleep and she wakes up AGAIN screaming...this is the hardest part for me as a mother who struggles with night time anxiety. I just give in and bring her to bed so we both sleep.

I desperately need help with that did you get through it while you were asleep? Does it get better if I just leave her to cry it out??

I can't afford a sleeping program and I'm scared because I'm pregnant and due in April. So something has to change.

P.s. please don't fuss about me bringing her to bed..