What would you do? VBAC or repeat csection?

My first baby was breech, so I had a csection. All went well, no issues there. I’ve never experienced contractions, my water breaking, losing my mucus plug etc. I’m a great candidate for a VBAC since my first baby was breech and it will be over 2 years since the csection when I have my second baby. My dr said if I go 1 week past my due date that “we’ll talk” which I assume means schedule a csection since I won’t be induced. (Dr said no induction for me, I’m ok with that)

I’m terrified of going into labor (for a long time) and end up needing an emergency csection. I feel like why go through all the pain of labor and (possibly) end up with a csection when I can just go with what I know. (Talk about a double whammy of pain!) I’m also terrified of 3rd and 4th degree tears.

I’m nervous to just schedule a csection since I have a toddler and taking care of 2 kids while having a second csection sounds rough. Yes, I know that many women have done 2 or more csections while taking care of children. (Although I have an amazing husband so not super worried about that) Our bodies were made to push a baby out (and I kind of want to see how a vaginal birth is)

Obviously I know that either way the baby comes into this world, I’ll be happy! I want what is safest and best for the baby (and myself).

Any stories of successful or unsuccessful attempts at VBAC after specifically a breech baby? Any stories of VBACs are welcome! Thanks.

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